Welcome to LIFE IS ABOUT IS ABOUT MORE THAN LIVING randomly hosted by the husband and team of Alfred And Karen Sims-Harrell where the primary purpose is to explore various ways of navigating through life’s high and lows with a no matter what happens I win mindset. Alfred Harrell is the author of SPLIT Souls In Transition. He is also a public speaker and poet Karen Sims-Harrell is a certified Master Life coach, author and public speaker. Like #like Follow #follow Subscribe #subscribe Share #share #no #matter #what #happens #I #win #mindset #alfredharrellmorethanapoet Disclaimer- Opinions and viewpoints of podcast guests do not necessarily represent or reflect the opinions of the podcast creator and producer Alfred Harrell. Any content provided by guests are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual. This podcast is a component of the Alfred Harrell More than a Poet brand in association with Karen Sims Twisted Threads,LLC.
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
A Father Doesn’t HaveTo Biological “It don’t matter how a man is, what matters is how he holds on.”- Howard Cory https://linktr.ee/morethanapoet #listen #like #follow #comment #fathers #fatherhood #blackfathers #stepfather #create #legacy #spirituality #faith #mentor #life #guide
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Willie Bartell:Mental Guide & Earthly Spiritual Father
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Not all fathers are biological as some of you my listeners can attest to. Willie Bartell when he was alive was such to me for the short life space we shared. This is our short story. “Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.”-Buddha https://linktr.ee/morethanapoet #listen #like #follow #comment #fathers #fatherhood #blackfathers #create #legacy #spirituality #faith #mentor #life #guide
Friday Nov 18, 2022
I AM...
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
I am not my yesterday! I am my today! I am my tomorrow! #everyday #affirmation #I #am #not #my #yesterday #I #am #my #today #I #am #my #tomorrow #living #loving #celebrating #life #holidays #Thanksgiving #Christmas #Newyears https://linktr.ee/morethanapoet #listen #like #follow #subscribe #comment
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
According to Dictionary.com one definition of the word standards is those morals, ethics, habits, etc., established by authority, custom, or an individual as acceptable. Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.-Tony Robbins #standards #authority #morals #ethics #customs #it #is #your #life #how #you #live #up #to #you https://linktr.ee/morethanapoet #listen #like #follow #subscribe #comment
Monday Oct 17, 2022
THE INCLUSIVE MINDSET-October through December 2022 podcast series Episode2
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
An inclusive mindset when powered by genuine concern for other people has the potential to affect the quality of our lives and the quality of life anyone we interact with for betterment of all involved..-Alfred Harrell More than a Poet https://linktr.ee/morethanapoet #listen #like #follow #subscribe #comment #black #people #voices #black #men #black #women #white #women #white #men #diversity #live #your #best #life #inclusiveness #lgbtq #marginalized #people #critical #race #theory #americanized #christianity
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
The challenge of life, I have found, is to build a resume that doesn't simply tell a story about what you want to be, but it's a story about who you want to be.-Oprah Winfrey #right #now #not #right #now #soon #no #perfect #time #to #start #living #the #life #you #desire #living #out #your #story #africanamerican #all #women #men #bbws #lgbtq https://linktr.ee/morethanapoet #listen #like #follow #subscribe #comment
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
A Black man is only healthy as the weakest part of himself and only as courageous as the fears that mentally enslaves him.-Alfred Harrell More than a Poet -Hear my full dialogue about Black men mental health on my podcast LIFE IS ABOUT MORE THAN LIVING https://linktr.ee/morethanapoet Mental Health Resource National Alliance on Mental Illness https://www.nami.org/Home #listen #like #follow #subscribe #comment #click #link #in #my #bio #to #access #podcast #black #men #mental #health #opportunities #generational #trauma #healing #fears #relationships #black #women
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
How has our second half started? How will our second half look at this year's end? Note: This will also be presented in a longer post on an upcoming podcast episode on my podcast LIFE IS ABOUT MORE THAN LIVING #second #half #goals #plans #actions #living #life #with #purpose #passion Financial support of this podcast is accepted on my Linktree site https://linktr.ee/morethanapoet #listen #like #follow #subscribe #comment
-Alfred Harrell More than a Poet
Life Is About More Than Living is a podcast that addresses our daily life experiences from various vantage points with the intention being that no matter what happens to us directly or indirectly we are winners in some ways regardless of our present reality.